Made with AI: The Future of AI Tools for Content Creators

Nilda Topraklı
3 min readApr 22, 2024


Quality content has increasingly started to lose its volume due to the emergence of AI tools. Although these tools are helpful in collecting your thoughts, checking your grammar, or providing a new approach when you’re blocked, many writers are using them to create their articles from scratch.

Steven Schneider, CEO of TrioSEO, highlights that AI cannot be a “replacement” by any means. He claims that AI-generated content is reckless, with weird readings and wordings. It is true that when you issue a very simple command, you end up with a very robotic language you’ve never read anywhere else.

Here is a clear example of this absurdity:

Simple command in ChatGPT

I simply asked ChatGPT to write it for me and noticed the word choices: unprecedented, daunting, pitfall, realm, embrace… Many of these words are fine, but ChatGPT uses them so repetitively and out of context in many responses that it feels less human. And what’s up with “the keystrokes of algorithms intertwine with…”? What kind of human would have written it like this?

Meta’s approach to AI-generated content

The most recent statement belongs to Meta. They published their approach on the 4th of April 2024. In this statement, they simply state that labeling the content as “Made with AI” will make the intention clear and avoid manipulation of information. This labeling system will start as of May 2024, yet they will continue removing media that violates their current manipulated media policy until July.

Visual credit: Meta

Google’s approach to AI-generated content

Google’s latest update on AI content is from February 2023. It states that it supports the quality of content regardless of how it is produced. This is a rather smart explanation because what many people don’t really know is what quality content means.

Google simply describes quality content with its E-A-T principle: expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness, yet considering general SEO practices, there are, of course, more considerations to take into account.

Visual credit:

Medium’s approach to AI-generated content

Medium is completely different story. It is a platform specifically designed to promote high-quality human-crafted content. So, in his recent article, Scott Lamb, VP of Content in Medium, says that “We are a home for human writing, full stop.” Their approach is to allow AI-assistive technology rather than welcome it, and they require necessary labels when AI is used in the content as in Meta.

It is undeniable that AI tools are promising tools that are here to stay. Many platforms are going to find the best way to adapt their technologies to leave room for its advantages, but we shouldn’t forget that allowing its use without any control or power in it will only lead manipulation and misinformation, which might have devastating effects. I believe, we’ll soon start to see how AI will direct the future of digital platforms.



Nilda Topraklı

I write about corporate life, content marketing, productivity, and self growth!